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General terms and conditions

The registration can be made in writing by e-mail and mail or by telephone. With the registration the "General Terms and Conditions" become part of the contract between the participant and the hiking guide Ivonne Ries.

Participation requirements
All tours require good health and appropriate equipment, which can be seen in the equipment list. The conditional and technical requirements according to the announcement must be fulfilled. If a participant does not meet these, the hike leader can exclude the participant from the event. In case of exclusion for the reasons mentioned above, no refund will be made.
The hike leader must be informed before the hike if allergies or other relevant health impairments are present.

Services included in the price
The services included in the price may vary depending on the offer. They are listed in the short description of the offer. If not explicitly mentioned, the price always excludes arrival and return travel, mountain railroads, cab, snacks and drinks, rental equipment and insurance. The prices are per person in CHF.

Additional hiking guide
As a rule, the tours can be carried out with the indicated number of participants per hiking guide. In case of critical conditions, it is possible that an additional hiking guide or mountain guide will be called in for safety reasons. In this case, additional costs must be expected.

Minimum number of participants
A tour can also be carried out with fewer participants than planned. The prerequisite for this is that the registered persons agree to an additional charge.

Program changes
In principle, the tours will take place with enough participants. However, the tour is subject to local conditions. The risk for unfavorable tour conditions and weather is carried by the participant. The tour leader will endeavor to offer an alternative program of equal value. The participant must be prepared to make extensive changes to the program, area, arrival and accommodation and agrees to this with the booking. Any additional costs will be charged to the participant. The hike leader reserves the right to change the program on the way.

Terms of payment
The hike has to be paid at least 30 days before the tour. If the registration is made at short notice, the amount is to be paid immediately. If the payment does not take place on time, the organizer can cancel the contract and demand the cancellation costs according to the point "Cancellation by the participant".

Cancellation by the participant
Any cancellation of the tour must be reported by the participant in writing by e-mail or by mail.
The deadline is the first working day after receipt of the written cancellation.
The following cancellation fees apply:
30 - 20 days: 50% of the price
19 - 10 days: 75% of the price
9 - 0 days: 100% of the price
In any case a handling fee of 50.- CHF will be charged. If the participant cancels the tour, the entire package price is due and there is no right to a refund.

Cancellation by hike leader
If a hike is cancelled by the hike leader due to bad conditions or insufficient number of participants, the entire amount paid will be refunded, minus any deposits that the hike leader does not receive back. Further claims are excluded.

SAC members
For hikes with overnight stays in a SAC hut, all SAC members receive a price reduction of CHF 10. The SAC-membership has to be noted on the registration and the SAC ID has to be taken to the hut to ensure the price reduction.

The participant undertakes to take out sufficient insurance cover. The conclusion of a cancellation costs insurance is recommended.

During the hikes, photos and films will be taken of the hike leader and the participants, which may show recognizable individuals. These can be made available electronically or via webalbum to the tour participants and the hike leader. The hike leader reserves the right to use the pictures for marketing purposes. If pictures of participants are not to be used for marketing purposes or if a participant does not want to appear on pictures, he/she must inform the organizer of this no later than at the beginning of the hike.

Data protection
Customer data will be used for processing registrations and for sending newsletters. In addition, customer data will be passed on to the respective hike leader and group members. Customers who do not agree to their data being passed on to the participants concerned must state this in writing when registering.

Liability, compensation
The hike leader offers the greatest possible security to the customers. A residual risk always remains when hiking and snowshoeing. By booking, the participant expressly acknowledges this fact and waives any claims for damages or other liability.

The term participant also includes the female participant.

Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
The contractual agreement is subject to Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is Zurich.

8032 Zurich, January 2022
Ivonne Ries

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